If I tried to tell the story of how long we've wanted to say this and what we've had to go through you would be reading pages and pages! So the long story short is that it has taken us 3 years of trying, clomid, tests, "not pregnant" results, surgeries, shots (over 100 needles being poked in my body) pills, not so fun pills you don't take by mouth, hormones, & so much more... But after all that and more we are amazed by God's timing and grace and His will to give us a baby. Why now? Why all that? Is it just more to add to an ever evolving testimony??? I may never know until I get to heaven. And I am OK with that.
We ventured into a world of IVF...a world that I would've never thought in a million years I would be in and learn so much about. There was laughter, tears, hormonal tears (those are A LOT different!!! :) patience, tantrums, disbelief, prayers, more prayers, and simply sitting waiting and resting.
But in the end we are blessed. We have amazing family and friends who spent many nights in prayer and tears with us! And ultimately we have each other and our marriage continues to stay awesome and strong. God knew what he was doing when he gave me Chris because he knew we were the perfect match to go down this journey together! Chris has been a rock and I love him so much!
And so to this little one growing inside:
I think of you and I am brought to tears... and while I could say that the pregnancy hormones cause these tears...I don't think so...you are loved soo much already. God has chosen you and is creating you to give to us! I can't wait to meet you and see your beautiful face! I will never regret a thing and love you more then I can ever express...You are being created by the ultimate Creator! And that makes us very happy! We pray for you daily and are so very excited to meet you....(in a few more months!)The best is yet come little one, I am sure of that!
Baby O at 10 weeks!