
Spring Break around the house...

Roxy...always camera ready

...And always likes to help encourage the garden!

A new back fence! Chris and Scot did a nice job!

We switched bedrooms...we now have what we
like to call a "grown-up" bedroom!

Complete with baseboards and all!

Colorado & Chicago Pics!

This is in Chicago...we went sight seeing while
the high school kids where at their conference sessions

Beautiful Colorado (Breckenridge)

The three amigos for the weekend...

The two "buddies" always

The four of us had a great time hanging in Colorado and
watching the Mardi Gras parade!



Well Spring break is almost here! I really hope I will have time to do a little decorating of the blog page. I know there are no pictures and it's kinda boring. But I usually write these at work so it makes it difficult to post pictures. So what's new in the last month??? For the first time in awhile we don't have any plans to go anywhere! So we hope to get some projects done around the house next week. This is the first year that I have actually had a "spring break" week off in a long time (perhaps since high school) And now that I am back in the schools I totally understand the need for the break! Don't get me wrong...this has been an awesome job and I really enjoy it! But I do look forward to the breaks.
On Monday my best friend since we were very young had her birthday and turned 29! So it's official that we are all gettin' a little older! She lives in Nebraska and I just booked a flight to go visit her in May! Yippee!!! I love to have things to look forward to. It always makes the time seem to go by a little quicker.
Not much more to say then I will do my best to get this blog lookin' cute and put some pics up soon! Until then Walk by Faith...the best is yet to come! HAPPY SPRING!


March 4th...

Kinda random but I'll never forget my oldest sister first moved out of the house on March 4 (who knows what year it was!) But as she was a little discouraged and nervous (being the first one out) my Mom told her that it was ok because it was God's plan for her to "March 4th" Get it...March 4th... So I have never forgotten that and every year as March 4th approaches I remember this and see what I need to March 4th towards.
For our lives right now... I really wish I knew exactly where and what I am "Marching" towards but I have to be ok with not knowing. I look forward to a fresh start and a new hope.... We are open to what God has in store all the while being slightly guarded. Each day is a new start and a new day to have a positive encounter with God. I promise that it is a lot easier for me to type these words and say them then actually doing them. But that is where prayer and God plays a huge part! We continually will walk by faith and see where that leads us.
Anyways, besides the obvious crazy start to our year we did get a chance to go visit friends in Colorado and then went to Chicago with the leadership class from the high school. We had a great and restful break and I will post pics soon!
I have tried the blog thing before and am going to attempt it once again. No promises as to how often or about what but I guess that's what blogging is???
These have become a few of our little marriage mottos' and have been so true and big in our lives..we continue to believe that "we walk by faith" & "the best is yet to come!"